Who can apply for a trademark registration?
Legal entity or natural person can apply for trademark registration.
How can I request a trademark service?
First, complete our online order form and click submit. You should then receive an order confirmation email within 24 hours. We will review the information you submitted, prepare the draft application and then send it for your final review and approval along with our invoice for your payment.
How much does it cost to register a trademark?
The cost of registering a trademark depends on the jurisdiction, number of classification and the filing basis, and the complexity of the trademark.
What happens after I pay?
Once we receive your payment, we will proceed to file your trademark registration application with the Trademark Registry. Within 5-10 business days, we will send you a trademark filing report via email. We will then handle all correspondence with the Trademark Registry and keep you informed if we receive any notices or inquiries.
If your application is approved, we will notify you by email and request payment for the publication fee and registration certificate fee (if applicable). Assuming there are no objections or opposition to your application, your trademark will be registered. However, if the Trademark Registry raises any objections, we will promptly notify you and provide advice on how to respond. We will also provide an estimated cost for responding to the objections.
Can a trademark be registered in multiple countries?
Yes, a trademark can be registered in multiple countries. This can be done either by filing separate trademark applications in each country, or by using the Madrid System, which allows for the international registration of trademarks.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept paypal, credit card (via paypal) and bank transfer.
Can I only request for a search, without the filing the application?
Yes, you can send the order form for the trademark search request.
Can I sell my trademark?
Yes, a registered trademark is your property and can be licensed or sold like other property.
When can I use the “™ and “®” designations?
“®” indicates that the mark is a registered trademark and hence protected under the trademark law. “™” is just a symbol used to indicate that the mark is being used by the company as a trademark. It does not denote that the mark is registered nor protected under the trademark law.