Trademark Services

Our trademark services include:

  • Comprehensive trademark search.
  • Review, advise, and prepare the goods and services descriptions.
  • Filing, obtaining, and forwarding registrations certificate.
  • Advising and assisting in international trademark registration.
  • Advising, drafting a written submission, and replying to the refusal in the case of objection.
  • Advising, preparing, and filing the assignments of the trademark.
  • Review and renewals for existing trademark registration.

Trademark Search *(optional)

The trademark search is optional, but we highly recommend that you conduct a search before applying to ensure that there is any prior registered trademark that is identical or similar to the one you intend to use.

Time  frame : 5 – 7 working days.

Trademark  Application

Once you file your trademark application, we will email you a filing report that includes your trademark’s application number. The examiner will then review the application to ensure that it meets all the requirements of the Trademark Act. If the Registrar does not find any conflicting marks, your application will be accepted, and we will notify you. However, if the Registrar finds a similar mark during the examination process, your application will be objected to.

If your trademark application is accepted, it will be published in the Official Journal for opposition. Depending on the country in which you register, your trademark will be open to opposition by third parties for a period of two or three months following its publication in the Official Journal. If no objections are filed during this time, your mark will be registered, and a registration certificate will be issued.  Your registration will remain valid for ten years, and you can renew it for additional ten-year periods thereafter.