is wholly owned by SenRie Trademark International Sdn Bhd, a well-established company founded in 2005 providing online trademark registration services.
We are committed to providing reliable, affordable, and professional online trademark services. With over a decade of experience in trademark services, we have helped thousands of clients from various sectors such as communications, laboratories, manufacturers, developers, retailers, engineering, tourism, consumer products, and others to register their trademarks internationally.
We have a network of dedicated trademark attorneys and trademark consultants across the world, working as a team to bring you the best services at all times.
Whether you are an individual, a startup, a business, or a company, we can also assist you in obtaining trademark protection in foreign countries through our network of trademark consultants and trademark attorneys.
Why Us?
We have dedicated team of experienced trademark professional to advise and help you to protect your trademark internationally.
We are not only an experienced professional, but a trustworthy cooperation partner. Rest assured that we will handle our client’s trademark properly and timely.
Prompt response
We will respond to any inquiry promptly.
Affordable Price
We strive to offer our clients the best possible service at affordable price.
Simplified Process
Registering your trademark globally has never been easier. Just complete the order form, and we will help you apply for trademark registration.