Myanmar Trademark Registration
There is no trademark law in Myanmar, however, trademark registration can be filed by recording a Declaration of Ownership of Trademark with the Office of Registration of Deeds, Yangoon, and publishing a Cautionary Notice of the registered mark in the local newspaper to inform the public of your ownership on the mark and warn against potential passing off or infringement. The publication of the Cautionary Notice in the newspaper is not mandatory by law. However, it is an established practice in Myanmar and it should be done after the registration of the trademark.
Time Frame
The processing time from the filing date to the registration of the mark may take about 3 months.
Terms and Renewal
There is no statutory term for the registration under the current registration regime. The trademark renewal in Myanmar is not compulsory. However, it is a common practice in Myanmar to renew the trademark every 3 years from the date of registration.
Requirements For Trademark Application in Myanmar:
- Applicant’s full name, address, and nationality;
- Representation of the trademark;
- Description of goods or services;
- Classification of goods and services;
- A Declaration of Ownership of Trademark, which must be signed by the applicant and then certified by a Notary Public in the country concerned;
- A Power of Attorney, which must be signed by the applicant, notarized, and then legalized at the Myanmar Embassy or Consulate in the country of the applicant.