Trademark Registration in South Korea

General Information

South Korea is a member of Madrid Protocol.   South Korea adopts a  first-to-file rule,  which means that  the person who files an application earlier than others has an advantage to have the trademark registered.  Nice Classification is being used for goods and services .   Multiple-class applications are possible in South Korea.

Trademark Registration Procedure

Trademark Search 

Before applying for a trademark, you might want to conduct a search to find out if there are any identical or similar marks on the Trademark Register. However, it is an optional procedure for filing the trademark application.

      Time frame:  5 – 7 working days

Trademark Application 

Once the trademark application is filed,  the Trademark Office will  conduct a trademark search to determine if there are similar marks.  If the application is accepted, it will be published in the Official Journal. Any interested party may oppose the registration of your trademark within 2 months  of the publication date. If there is no opposition from any 3rd party, the mark will be registered and the registration certificate will be issued.    However, if there is an objection, the applicant must respond to the objection within a stipulated time, or else the application will be deemed abandoned.

Time Frame

The processing time from the filing date to registration of the mark  may takes about  12 – 14   months .   However,  if there are objection from the trademark office or  opposition from anyone else, it may take longer.

Terms and Renewal

A registered trademark is valid for a period of  10 years from the date of registration, and it can be renewed every 10 years.

Requirements For Trademark Application in  South Korea:

  1. Applicant’s full name, address and nationality;
  2. Representation of trademark;
  3. Description of goods or services;
  4. Classification of goods and services;
  5. A simply signed Power of Attorney without notarization or legalization;
  6. Certified translation and transliteration if the trademark contains words in language other than the national language or English language;
  7. If the applicant claims convention priority, an original certified copy of foreign application is required (with English translation).